Tuesday, November 30, 2010

School started few weeks ago for me. Lots of reading to do but I'm so so so lazy. And I have to learn how to use pp. Group work to do in pp and I have not started any on my part :( But still, the feeling of going back to school is good. Especially learning things I like ^.^

Got myself Snapping Hip on Sunday after umpiring first IYSC game. Was struggling with 2nd and 3rd game after that. Couldn't really run with the speed I wanted. Monday was a bit better, but still snapping. Lucky today's game cancelled. No need umpire :) Got changed to Div1 some more. Heng ar!!! Hope tomorrow I can recover fully from it.

Coaching was awesome except the timing. Had to wake up so early everyday :( But it's worth it seeing them getting better and better. Work Hard!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I hate today.
Hate it when I can't play well.
Hate it when I'm not prepared but still have to play.
Hate it when I know I can do much better and just can't push for it.
Hate losing.
2nd time this year.
Hate Wednesday night.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

:( :( :( :( :(

There's nothing to be happy about.

Last few sessions and the girls are still not coming to training.
Those committed sure will be more disappointed during zonal.

Don't you just hate some people???
Freaking donno what's wrong with their attitude.
Should just let them live in Afica, India, or some ulu place for a while.

Goal??? What goal?
I just want to be happy...