Monday, September 21, 2009

Haven't been blogging for a while.

I've just got older few days ago. Didn't celebrate. Not really... My sis did treat me to a nice dinner few days before my birthday. But no cake, can't consider a celebration hor? Actually don't really feels like celebrating anyway. But, a surprise would be good. Who won't love one? I believe everyone love birthday surprises.

On that day, I received many wishes and was so happy till I have someone asking me about my wish. Then I realised I didn't think of it at all. Wish... What should I wish for? Will it come true?

I just wish to be content with simple life. Also wish to be a nicer person to others and all my friends. I know it won't be easy. Staying in Singapore had turn me much colder to people. A smile, a greeting, a sincere conversation had become so hard. I want to change to be better.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where I stayed

The Arena Sign. It's Super Complex :)

Flowers by the road side. It's Spring time.

Inside the Arena

Australian version of Kidznet

On the street of Perth City. I'm wearing 3 jackets. Very cold.

Suppose to delete this photo but I didn't. Photo taking are not allowed in station and train.

At Fremantle market.

Look at the parking lot. Cars have to go up the curb to park.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Hi guys! Sorry didn't update earlier.

This week very sian. School holiday totally got nothing to do.
Anyway, Perth was fun. Umpired 3 games in total. 1 game a day. It was pretty different from umpiring in Singapore. Firstly is the weather. It was freezing cold. Warm up had to be done in track suit. Although with track suit and indoor, still don't really feel warm at all. And it's really cold during umpiring too. Then, it's the game. Very busy game. All the players on court was contesting all the time. Lucky I've done few games when they were here in Singapore. If not, I think my eyes wouldn't be able to catch up with what's going on on court. Overall umpiring was good experience, and did feel a bit of progress myself. Although Chris said I've improved alot since first game in Singapore. I still feels it's not that much. Maybe I'm expecting more from myself.

Sunday after the games, me and Bee manage to go to the city and also Fremantle for some shopping and sight seeing. Will post the photos later.