I'm sick today. Woke up with an itchy throat, runny nose and sore eyes. Lucky not very serious. No fever, no headache. Stayed home all day. Boring!!! Another home alone day tomorrow.
Yesterday was busy. Morning had Kidznet coaching. It's fun and a little bit frustrating. The class have thirty plus pupils and there's about twenty boys. All the boys was with me and the girls with my colleague for the session. The boys are 'boys'... Runs around all the time, never stand still, shouting at one another, very competative during games... But still, they have their lovely side. In the middle of the game, a bunch of them was looking at the sky pointing. I was shock of what they did for a moment. There's nothing at the sky but clouds. Exactly, they were pointing at the clouds saying it's like this and like that... They are so full of imagination. When was the last time you look at the sky? Seeing clouds shapping into different animals and stuffs?
Went home for a nap before coaching again. I have a new player. Tall, have lots of potential as a defender. I'm confident the team will be pretty strong next year. I just need more time training them. From the looks of the schedule, there's only like twice training in a month.
Went for a jog before training with the opens at night. Jog for only half an hour but was struggling so much. ANL is next weekend... I have to get my fitness up.