I was at CGH this morning for second injection. So, after collecting the SYNVISC injection at the pharmacy, I went back to Sports Medicine Centre for the treatment. My knee was iced for like fifteen minutes before the injection. Almost got frost bite, knee was all red. This time round feels a little painful during the injection. I think I concentrate too much on it. And so I spent two hundred plus again today. Lucky the anti-inflammatory is free. It is something stronger than last week and it's not to be sold. Dr Jason’s professional samples.
I went East Point for lunch after that. Wanted to have BanMian and when I order, the aunty ask me to wait. After a while waiting, she say the soup is not ready. And so I ask her when will it be ready? She say ten minutes. Then she explain the soup inside is ok but the soup outside is not ready. I ask her why can’t you use the soup inside? And I’ve also told her I don’t want to know why but know when. She say har? I think she don’t understand what I mean. So I say I don’t want already. And then she say ok ok now can. I wave her off.
I think I was rude to behave like that. I’m sorry BanMian aunty!!
After lunch I went back office to work. I was so sleepy during the journey. Don’t know why? Am I really that tired?
A few visitors came to see demo and explanation on the technology my company is using around four. And then I and my manager went Woodlands to a customer’s place to collect parts to scan for reports. So I worked till seven thirty to send the report to the customer. But not complete yet. Will do the other one tomorrow.
Umpired eight forty game with Pamela today. I made a major mistake. I pointed the right direction but called the wrong team for centre pass. And I did it twice. The first one I realise before the centre pass was taken and call the right team name. But the second one when I realise it, the ball has went a few passes. Too late to call it back. Ahhrrrr… Shall be more careful.