Tuesday, November 30, 2010

School started few weeks ago for me. Lots of reading to do but I'm so so so lazy. And I have to learn how to use pp. Group work to do in pp and I have not started any on my part :( But still, the feeling of going back to school is good. Especially learning things I like ^.^

Got myself Snapping Hip on Sunday after umpiring first IYSC game. Was struggling with 2nd and 3rd game after that. Couldn't really run with the speed I wanted. Monday was a bit better, but still snapping. Lucky today's game cancelled. No need umpire :) Got changed to Div1 some more. Heng ar!!! Hope tomorrow I can recover fully from it.

Coaching was awesome except the timing. Had to wake up so early everyday :( But it's worth it seeing them getting better and better. Work Hard!!!