Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Good afternoon.

Yesterday was a tiring day for me. In the morning, Rosyth P5s had a game. We won, with shooters putting in only seven goals. And I’ve count the number of misses, it over thirty. What a bad game.

Hougang had game in the afternoon. There were only eight players and I’ve only two defenders. So, I put my shooter in defending and surprisingly she did pretty well. I think it’s the effort she had put in that really makes her perform. Although we’ve won, overall performance wasn’t really good. Shooters didn’t have good percentage of shoots, passes and drives by the feeders weren’t strong. As for defenders, they’ve improved, but still, a lot to work on to actually see something satisfying.

After the game, I went to KNC to umpire a friendly. I did badly with very low focus and concentration. Headache and tiredness is the cause of it. I think I shouldn’t umpire if I’m not in a good condition anymore.