Monday, March 17, 2008

I’m really really tired. Dying ahrrr…

I didn’t sleep at all last night and went to meet the girls at school before seven. After meeting them, we went CCAB for our game. We were trashed by the opponent without a single goal at our side. So demoralising. Then after the game we went back to school and I went to eat and met a friend at Hougang Mall.

After that, I went back to school and head to CCAB again with the P6s now. We were there more than an hour early. We had good warm ups and I manage to get the girls prepared well for the match by telling them what to do specifically. I only have nine of them today having my main shooter sick, centre with a cast on her hand and a tall defender absent without reason. Lucky my players are able to play to what I’ve told them earlier. My defender is shooting now, and my other defender is at centre position. It was a close fight and we manage to bring our first win home with a line up I’ve never tried before. So proud of them keeping their spirit up and fighting hard for every ball.

Then I went to Hougang Sec for their training at five plus. They were training hard for their game tomorrow and I can’t be there for them. So sad!!! Anyway, I played full court together with them and also manage to talk to the juniors on footwork rules and how to have good footwork from drills in training. Hope I can see improvements next time I see them do drills. Fight hard for the game tomorrow Orlangers!!! I’ll wait for the good news.

Cabbed to Kallang after that to umpire 19s trails. I think I miss a lot of infringements today. My concentration was really bad after the long day under the sun. But it was fun umpiring fast paced game again.
Team P6 Rosyth Sch