Umpired in the morning today for a game NUS played against UKM. It was fun!!! The UKM players gave me a badge of their uni. Haha!
Then after that, went ToaPayoh for NSL umpiring. My muscles are so tight, knees and ankles are also aching from the umpiring I did these few days. But still, I think I did quite ok today. I was enjoying the whole game I umpired.
Another long day tomorrow. Hope it’s a good one too.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
It’s a happy day today. First win in this season for Hougang Sec. Hoorayyy!!! The girls practically went crazy after that. Joan, take care of your knee and elbow. Be more careful next time. I was shouting all the way during the game. All the girls performed very well. Worth my shouting. But I have to have a good voice for NSL umpiring next two days. Having a sore trout now. Hope it doesn’t turn bad.
Umpired with Eric for the HK21s vs Blaze game tonight. It was great! There are still many areas to work on for myself and I’m going to step up for every game I umpire. Go go go!!!
Umpired with Eric for the HK21s vs Blaze game tonight. It was great! There are still many areas to work on for myself and I’m going to step up for every game I umpire. Go go go!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I’m super tired now. Umpired two games today at Hougang Sports Hall. On the first game, I umpired with the HK team coach because the other umpire didn’t turn up. The second game I did with Joyce because her co umpire didn’t turn up. What the ****!!!!! The person organising the umpires had failed big time. And these are international games some more. Anyway, I had a great time umpiring today. Jacqui was there guiding me on the stuffs I need to work on and also had given so many feedbacks on my umpiring. There are so many things I need to work on. And now, I just can’t wait for tomorrow and Friday when I umpire again to improve on it.
My Rosyth P5 and P6 girls had games today. P5 played in the morning, and we had our first win of the tournament. Everyone was so happy. And P6 also won the game today in the afternoon. The win today had boost up the team’s spirit so much to fight for second round. Hope they perform on their last first round match next week.
My Rosyth P5 and P6 girls had games today. P5 played in the morning, and we had our first win of the tournament. Everyone was so happy. And P6 also won the game today in the afternoon. The win today had boost up the team’s spirit so much to fight for second round. Hope they perform on their last first round match next week.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Double Ouch!!!!! The umpire’s training was siong today. My knee feels like going to give way anytime. We did many sets of sprints and runs, and also some visions and positioning. I umpired a few quarters and the feed back given was very useful. Gotta improve on these areas.
My Coral girl’s game was good today. Saw some improvements. But still, not very satisfying.
My Coral girl’s game was good today. Saw some improvements. But still, not very satisfying.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ouch!!! My left knee has been aching these few days, my right shoulder as well.
I’m pretty sad with the results of my girls’ game today. I had two games today, Rosyth played earlier, then Hougang. Rosyth did quite alright today, listening to instructions and trying their best to do it. I just wish I have more time to train them better.
As for Hougang, I’ll be happy if I see more improvements. The game is a bit stagnant. My fault actually, for not being there for trainings. I’ll have to implement new drills when trainings go regular again.
Went KNC for the new rules workshop after the two games. It didn’t really change a lot, just a few details. But as an umpire, it’s a few more things to take note of now.
I’m pretty sad with the results of my girls’ game today. I had two games today, Rosyth played earlier, then Hougang. Rosyth did quite alright today, listening to instructions and trying their best to do it. I just wish I have more time to train them better.
As for Hougang, I’ll be happy if I see more improvements. The game is a bit stagnant. My fault actually, for not being there for trainings. I’ll have to implement new drills when trainings go regular again.
Went KNC for the new rules workshop after the two games. It didn’t really change a lot, just a few details. But as an umpire, it’s a few more things to take note of now.
Monday, March 24, 2008
St John Island was alright. Had some fun there. Here are some photos of the trip.
On the ferry on Friday
Peoples fishing
We are in the air
Do you know which foot is mine?
Old Jetty
The raining cause of the guys room
Can you see the sider? It's palm size big
BBQ dinner
Full moon behind us
Back to Singapore on Sunday
Friday, March 21, 2008
Played against the 21s today. A total of six quarters and I shoot for three quarters, centre for one, umpired one and take stats for one. My shooting was seventy two percent today. Not satisfying. I want a better percentage. Overall team performance was pretty ok, but we lost one quarter to the twenty ones.
Before the game, I was coaching Rosyth. My centre is back for training. Yay!!! One less problem to worry about.
I’m going St John Island tomorrow. Coming back on Sunday.
Before the game, I was coaching Rosyth. My centre is back for training. Yay!!! One less problem to worry about.
I’m going St John Island tomorrow. Coming back on Sunday.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Ouch!!! I feel like an old man.
I was playing some netball at Kallang tonight. It was fun, but is it worth the pain after that??? I’ve iced my knees and ankles after I got home just now, but it’s still very sore. Hope I recover before tomorrow evening, which is like impossible.
Earlier today, I was at Bedok North Secondary for coaching. My first time there and I was early. Initially I wanted to cycle there cause it’s actually quite near my place, but it pours just before I wanted to leave home so I took bus. Waited outside the office for about forty five minutes before I get to see the teacher in charge. Then, she brought me to the girls. There were about thirty of them today. What a huge group!!! I looked into the name list, actually from sec ones to sec threes there are over forty girls. I don’t know if I can handle such a big group. And when the sec fours join in, it’ll be over fifty. I think it’ll definitely be very messy then. Today, as I was coaching the girls, the band was also having their CCA. So noisy!!! I literally was shouting all the time when I was demonstrating and explaining the drills. Having a sore trout now. Haiz… And now, I have clashes of training days for the schools I coach. Hope to work out the days as soon as possible and start coaching regularly for all the schools.
I was playing some netball at Kallang tonight. It was fun, but is it worth the pain after that??? I’ve iced my knees and ankles after I got home just now, but it’s still very sore. Hope I recover before tomorrow evening, which is like impossible.
Earlier today, I was at Bedok North Secondary for coaching. My first time there and I was early. Initially I wanted to cycle there cause it’s actually quite near my place, but it pours just before I wanted to leave home so I took bus. Waited outside the office for about forty five minutes before I get to see the teacher in charge. Then, she brought me to the girls. There were about thirty of them today. What a huge group!!! I looked into the name list, actually from sec ones to sec threes there are over forty girls. I don’t know if I can handle such a big group. And when the sec fours join in, it’ll be over fifty. I think it’ll definitely be very messy then. Today, as I was coaching the girls, the band was also having their CCA. So noisy!!! I literally was shouting all the time when I was demonstrating and explaining the drills. Having a sore trout now. Haiz… And now, I have clashes of training days for the schools I coach. Hope to work out the days as soon as possible and start coaching regularly for all the schools.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Is it good to have peoples telling you “eh KS, you are too good to your girls lah”???
Peoples are saying this and similar things to me recently. Hmmm… I thought about it actually. I think I might be too lenient. But then, who will want their coach to shout at them? I know I don’t. In fact, I hate it. I might even walk off if my coach shouted at me. Anyway, let’s get back to what I was saying. Today, during the interval of my girls’ game, I ask my player to be replace and she say “don’t want”. What have I done to allow her giving me this answer? I think I was too lenient during training in the past allowing them to challenge my instructions. The game today was a mess. Not that they weren’t playing hard. It’s more like playing without remembering what to do on court. My fault actually. I wasn’t with them for their warm up to tell them what to focus on individually and specifically to get ready. It will not happen again. I’ll nag at everyone before they step on court for the next game.
Sad news was given for the game I miss [Same timing my other school got game]. How I wish I was there to identify what went wrong and counter it. Or even give a lesson on what to improve on after the game. Haiz!!! I really need more time to be with the team.
NCAP class tonight was great!!! Learned a lot of useful stuffs. Just can’t wait to try them out on my teams.
Peoples are saying this and similar things to me recently. Hmmm… I thought about it actually. I think I might be too lenient. But then, who will want their coach to shout at them? I know I don’t. In fact, I hate it. I might even walk off if my coach shouted at me. Anyway, let’s get back to what I was saying. Today, during the interval of my girls’ game, I ask my player to be replace and she say “don’t want”. What have I done to allow her giving me this answer? I think I was too lenient during training in the past allowing them to challenge my instructions. The game today was a mess. Not that they weren’t playing hard. It’s more like playing without remembering what to do on court. My fault actually. I wasn’t with them for their warm up to tell them what to focus on individually and specifically to get ready. It will not happen again. I’ll nag at everyone before they step on court for the next game.
Sad news was given for the game I miss [Same timing my other school got game]. How I wish I was there to identify what went wrong and counter it. Or even give a lesson on what to improve on after the game. Haiz!!! I really need more time to be with the team.
NCAP class tonight was great!!! Learned a lot of useful stuffs. Just can’t wait to try them out on my teams.
Monday, March 17, 2008
I’m really really tired. Dying ahrrr…
I didn’t sleep at all last night and went to meet the girls at school before seven. After meeting them, we went CCAB for our game. We were trashed by the opponent without a single goal at our side. So demoralising. Then after the game we went back to school and I went to eat and met a friend at Hougang Mall.
After that, I went back to school and head to CCAB again with the P6s now. We were there more than an hour early. We had good warm ups and I manage to get the girls prepared well for the match by telling them what to do specifically. I only have nine of them today having my main shooter sick, centre with a cast on her hand and a tall defender absent without reason. Lucky my players are able to play to what I’ve told them earlier. My defender is shooting now, and my other defender is at centre position. It was a close fight and we manage to bring our first win home with a line up I’ve never tried before. So proud of them keeping their spirit up and fighting hard for every ball.
Then I went to Hougang Sec for their training at five plus. They were training hard for their game tomorrow and I can’t be there for them. So sad!!! Anyway, I played full court together with them and also manage to talk to the juniors on footwork rules and how to have good footwork from drills in training. Hope I can see improvements next time I see them do drills. Fight hard for the game tomorrow Orlangers!!! I’ll wait for the good news.
Cabbed to Kallang after that to umpire 19s trails. I think I miss a lot of infringements today. My concentration was really bad after the long day under the sun. But it was fun umpiring fast paced game again.
I didn’t sleep at all last night and went to meet the girls at school before seven. After meeting them, we went CCAB for our game. We were trashed by the opponent without a single goal at our side. So demoralising. Then after the game we went back to school and I went to eat and met a friend at Hougang Mall.
After that, I went back to school and head to CCAB again with the P6s now. We were there more than an hour early. We had good warm ups and I manage to get the girls prepared well for the match by telling them what to do specifically. I only have nine of them today having my main shooter sick, centre with a cast on her hand and a tall defender absent without reason. Lucky my players are able to play to what I’ve told them earlier. My defender is shooting now, and my other defender is at centre position. It was a close fight and we manage to bring our first win home with a line up I’ve never tried before. So proud of them keeping their spirit up and fighting hard for every ball.
Then I went to Hougang Sec for their training at five plus. They were training hard for their game tomorrow and I can’t be there for them. So sad!!! Anyway, I played full court together with them and also manage to talk to the juniors on footwork rules and how to have good footwork from drills in training. Hope I can see improvements next time I see them do drills. Fight hard for the game tomorrow Orlangers!!! I’ll wait for the good news.
Cabbed to Kallang after that to umpire 19s trails. I think I miss a lot of infringements today. My concentration was really bad after the long day under the sun. But it was fun umpiring fast paced game again.
Team P6 Rosyth Sch
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I need to be more confident in my umpiring. Leave all questions after the game. Don’t let it affect you in the middle of the game. Allow challenges. Only call infringements when there’s interference.
It was raining in the morning today. But after three, it’s rise and shine. Went basketball before going Bedok to practice umpiring. It was very fruitful.
It was raining in the morning today. But after three, it’s rise and shine. Went basketball before going Bedok to practice umpiring. It was very fruitful.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
It’s sad when you have time and don’t know what to do with it. How I hope to spend it with someone I love, people close to me.
I was umpiring seventeen’s selection earlier today. From eight till two. My girls were there for the selection too. They did ok. But still having some weaknesses like before. It’s more like a bad habit they have. Guess my constant reminder is needed more often. They didn’t make it to the second round. No surprise.
Work harder girls!!! Remember what I’ve told you and work on it. You’ll see the improvements. Talk to me if you have any problems. We work it out together.
I was umpiring seventeen’s selection earlier today. From eight till two. My girls were there for the selection too. They did ok. But still having some weaknesses like before. It’s more like a bad habit they have. Guess my constant reminder is needed more often. They didn’t make it to the second round. No surprise.
Work harder girls!!! Remember what I’ve told you and work on it. You’ll see the improvements. Talk to me if you have any problems. We work it out together.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Ouch! My quads are aching badly. Had just come back from 55km of cycling.
Earlier today, I did laundry, wash my bed sheets, blanket and curtain. I had even vacuumed my room and the living room. Was thinking of going sun tanning since the weather is so nice today, but was lazy. Haha!! I stayed home for the HK drama I was watching. Finally finish it.
Then around six plus, I decide to bring Minnie out. We went to check out where is CHIJ KC because I might want to cycle there during my girl’s game. Then from there, I turn into East Coast Park and cycle all the way to Changi Safra. And when I reach the end, there’s a sign indicating Changi Beach. I think it’s a new park connection about 8km. I decide to go ahead and explore. I reach the end of Changi Beach about half an hour later. There’s a long stretch of road just beside the airport runway before reaching the different beaches of Changi. For the trip back, I timed myself. It takes me 52minutes to get to the end of East Coast Park Ford road side from end of Changi Beach. I think I’ll do it again as often as I can. Need to train up for KK trip in May. I hope to make it to the top before sunrise.

Changi Airport Runway

Minnie at Changi Beach
Earlier today, I did laundry, wash my bed sheets, blanket and curtain. I had even vacuumed my room and the living room. Was thinking of going sun tanning since the weather is so nice today, but was lazy. Haha!! I stayed home for the HK drama I was watching. Finally finish it.
Then around six plus, I decide to bring Minnie out. We went to check out where is CHIJ KC because I might want to cycle there during my girl’s game. Then from there, I turn into East Coast Park and cycle all the way to Changi Safra. And when I reach the end, there’s a sign indicating Changi Beach. I think it’s a new park connection about 8km. I decide to go ahead and explore. I reach the end of Changi Beach about half an hour later. There’s a long stretch of road just beside the airport runway before reaching the different beaches of Changi. For the trip back, I timed myself. It takes me 52minutes to get to the end of East Coast Park Ford road side from end of Changi Beach. I think I’ll do it again as often as I can. Need to train up for KK trip in May. I hope to make it to the top before sunrise.

Changi Airport Runway

Minnie at Changi Beach
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Had just come back from NCAP class. It was raining so the game against twenty ones was cancelled. And so, I went to class. The class today was on Analysis of skills. It was all about Biomechanics. Flexing, contracting, stability, mobility, kinetic chain, Newton’s laws, action, force, momentum, inersia, Bernoulli’s effect, and so on… The lecturer was rushing through the topics cause he needs to cover a lot and most people find it hard to digest and boring. To me, I find it interesting cause Physic was my favourite subject during school days. I’m free for whole day tomorrow. What should I do?
Miss me??? Haha!
I went to bed early yesterday around eight plus. Was tired because of the long day. The carnival at Sports School was alright. A bit sad actually. We had a total of seven games, won one, draw one, two games lost by one goal, and three other loses with many goals. And the total goals we put in are only four. Sad!!! If this is the result of my trainings, I think I’m actually a failure. How can I improve?
Coaching this morning. With the three hours training time, I still can’t finish the things I’ve planned. Zonal next week is definitely going to be a mess. Guess the only thing I can do is to pray hard now.
Raining again since afternoon. Hope it stops later. If not, game against the twenty ones tonight is going to be cancelled.
I went to bed early yesterday around eight plus. Was tired because of the long day. The carnival at Sports School was alright. A bit sad actually. We had a total of seven games, won one, draw one, two games lost by one goal, and three other loses with many goals. And the total goals we put in are only four. Sad!!! If this is the result of my trainings, I think I’m actually a failure. How can I improve?
Coaching this morning. With the three hours training time, I still can’t finish the things I’ve planned. Zonal next week is definitely going to be a mess. Guess the only thing I can do is to pray hard now.
Raining again since afternoon. Hope it stops later. If not, game against the twenty ones tonight is going to be cancelled.
Team Coral Primary
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Having headaches since morning. I was coaching at Rosyth and it hits me. Can’t even concentrate on coaching in the morning today.
My Coral primary girls are going for a carnival tomorrow. It’s going to be a long day and I’m meeting them before seven in school. Great!!! Means I’ll have to wake up before six. Hope they enjoy themselves tomorrow.
Having headaches since morning. I was coaching at Rosyth and it hits me. Can’t even concentrate on coaching in the morning today.
My Coral primary girls are going for a carnival tomorrow. It’s going to be a long day and I’m meeting them before seven in school. Great!!! Means I’ll have to wake up before six. Hope they enjoy themselves tomorrow.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I went to church yesterday morning. Long time didn’t go back for service. Takeshi was preaching yesterday. He always gives emotional and touching speech with his sharing. After church, I had lunch with Andrew. And after lunch I went to meet the guys for basketball. It rains when we started our first game and all of us move to ACS indoor instead. Played for two hours there. So tiring, and body is aching all over.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
I need more sleep.
This morning, I umpired 19s selection at CCAB. Didn’t do well umpiring it. Hate the court.
Had lunch with Nigel at Mr Prata after that. After lunch, I was thinking of going home to have a nap. But instead, I decide to go for a movie. And so, I took bus to PS and went to the cinema. So suey… Don’t have the show I want to watch. Went to walk around at PS before going ToaPayoh sports hall around four plus.
Umpiring NSL trials was challenging just now. I think I like the challenge more and more nowadays.
This morning, I umpired 19s selection at CCAB. Didn’t do well umpiring it. Hate the court.
Had lunch with Nigel at Mr Prata after that. After lunch, I was thinking of going home to have a nap. But instead, I decide to go for a movie. And so, I took bus to PS and went to the cinema. So suey… Don’t have the show I want to watch. Went to walk around at PS before going ToaPayoh sports hall around four plus.
Umpiring NSL trials was challenging just now. I think I like the challenge more and more nowadays.
Friday, March 07, 2008
I had a busy day yesterday. It started off with my brother coming to Singapore but I have no time to spend with him. After he reaches home, I have to go off to umpire North Zone finals. Then after umpiring I watched another game and went coaching. The girls are still playing like crap. Passes are everywhere and they are having their primary zonal starting the following week. I can’t imagine how it’s going to be like. But the good thing is that Melissa might be able to play. She came training yesterday with her hand still in cast, but she say that it’s going to be remove in few more days. Hope that the doctor give us good news. I can see that she’s pretty sad because I asked her to sit through the whole training. Then after Rosyth I went Hougang. They were doing half court when I was there. I think I’ll have to get the defenders to be more aggressive. What they do on court don’t even looks like defending. After Hougang coaching I rushed to NCAP class. The topic was ‘Development of skills’. Many discussions were done during the class. It was always a question for me on some of the things we talk about. Hope I can find more answers on the second ‘Development of skills’ class. After his work my brother went back to Malaysia today. As for me, I umpired East Zone finals in the afternoon today. It was a pretty challenging game to umpire. I’ll need to work on my positioning. Many times I can’t see the things I suppose to see on court. My angle of positioning is not right I guess.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Woke up in the afternoon today. Had breakfast at home while watching the HK drama dvds that I’m spending my time on these few days. Then umpired two games at CCAB. I hate the indoor court there. So limited space off court along side and goal lines. Just last Saturday, a player hit the wall beside the goal line and got injured. And it’s very hard for us umpires too for vision positioning. Anyway, after the games, there’s a buffet for all of us. And it’s actually my lunch at almost six. Haha!!! I had dinner with Andrew and Raymond around nine just now at the hawker centre near my place. It was very nice of them to drop by for dinner.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Ahrrrr!!! Why aren’t I’m sleeping at this hour. Shouldn’t have drink coffee during the NCAP class break just now.
I went to collect my WP card today. It was quite smooth. After getting the queue number it’s my turn, don’t even have to wait.
After that had lunch at Tanjung Pagar market and then went to work. Was just on time when I reach school and the girls ask me why am I late. I was usually early. They were waiting for me I guess. Didn’t see them for a week during their exam actually. The weather was kind to us today. No rain and it’s cloudy. But the girls took a long time to do the usual warm up drills. And few of the main players weren’t around for me to do the combination I want for games. Just have to work around it.
Then after coaching, went to eat and then to NCAP class. The lecturer tonight encourages more interactions and discussions. It was quite fun.
I went to collect my WP card today. It was quite smooth. After getting the queue number it’s my turn, don’t even have to wait.
After that had lunch at Tanjung Pagar market and then went to work. Was just on time when I reach school and the girls ask me why am I late. I was usually early. They were waiting for me I guess. Didn’t see them for a week during their exam actually. The weather was kind to us today. No rain and it’s cloudy. But the girls took a long time to do the usual warm up drills. And few of the main players weren’t around for me to do the combination I want for games. Just have to work around it.
Then after coaching, went to eat and then to NCAP class. The lecturer tonight encourages more interactions and discussions. It was quite fun.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Haiz!!! Went to Suntec for the Education Fair today but just to see peoples tearing down booth and packing up. Wah Lau!!! In the first place they shouldn’t put there till 3rd March loh. Maybe I shouldn’t check the Suntec convention centre calendar but the Education 2008 website instead. Ahhrrrrr… I shouldn’t be lazy I know. Common sense KS. What the hell people would hold the fair till Monday??? When peoples tend to be lazy, they’ll believe other wise. I’m just one of them.
So, since I’m out and still got time before work, I went to watch movie. I catch the only twelve thirty show where I can just walk in without waiting and not late for work afterward. Spend twenty bucks today on it buying the hotdog combo, regular popcorn and of course, the movie ticket. It’s not bad for the twenty dollars spending. I get to have the whole cinema for myself and get to choose any seat I want. And of course, I got the best one.
The weather wasn’t that good today. Wasted some time moving in and out again. Hate it. Then after Rosyth, I went Hougang Sec for their training. Manage to look at the sec ones shooting and agility with some task I ask them performed. I think next training will be some ball drills and reaction tests before I fix their positions to play, since some of them don’t really know which position they want to play.
Wanted to go Zenith training tonight but it was cancelled. Training for me will be in April then.
This is in my mind now. Should I take up a degree in Marketing??? 3 years, 20+K
So, since I’m out and still got time before work, I went to watch movie. I catch the only twelve thirty show where I can just walk in without waiting and not late for work afterward. Spend twenty bucks today on it buying the hotdog combo, regular popcorn and of course, the movie ticket. It’s not bad for the twenty dollars spending. I get to have the whole cinema for myself and get to choose any seat I want. And of course, I got the best one.
The weather wasn’t that good today. Wasted some time moving in and out again. Hate it. Then after Rosyth, I went Hougang Sec for their training. Manage to look at the sec ones shooting and agility with some task I ask them performed. I think next training will be some ball drills and reaction tests before I fix their positions to play, since some of them don’t really know which position they want to play.
Wanted to go Zenith training tonight but it was cancelled. Training for me will be in April then.
This is in my mind now. Should I take up a degree in Marketing??? 3 years, 20+K
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Woke up today way before my alarms woke me. I had like only two hours of sleep only. And so, I went for breakfast and go Kallang. I reach at seven and I was the first one there. Then Abby came and gradually more and more peoples came. I went for the test on the first run. Manage to clear level nine but I was not in good condition this morning. I shall hit level eleven next time. Straight after the test, me and Daniel went off to CCAB for our game at nine. I was umpiring and he got a team playing. I was struggling to keep my concentration up on the second game at ten fifteen. Then after that shower and rushed to Elvin and Joice’s wedding lunch. I was like only half awake during the whole thing. So tired!!!
Why do I have to finish the coffee just now? It’s very concentrated. Now I can’t get myself to sleep though am so tired. Great!!! Beep test tomorrow and I’ll have to wake up before six. Oh My God!!!
Umpired two games at Kallang today. First game I did wasn’t that good being compared to the second one. I realise that my partnering umpire affects me a lot for the game I do. I guess other umpires will feel the same way when I partner them. I shall start from myself to bring up life in umpiring. No more slacking. Give hundred percent for each and every game you do KS.
After umpiring, I went to meet Andrew for dinner and went to Church for BT. It has been a long time since I step on the ground of Punggol.
Umpired two games at Kallang today. First game I did wasn’t that good being compared to the second one. I realise that my partnering umpire affects me a lot for the game I do. I guess other umpires will feel the same way when I partner them. I shall start from myself to bring up life in umpiring. No more slacking. Give hundred percent for each and every game you do KS.
After umpiring, I went to meet Andrew for dinner and went to Church for BT. It has been a long time since I step on the ground of Punggol.
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