Monday, October 15, 2007

Why can't I just enjoy the free time I have now???

Like everyday, I'll have to think of things to do and try to do something meaningful. WTF!!! I'm just getting myself tense actually.

'KS' Go out la kopi and read few books lah... That's good way to kill time.

Went JB yesterday. Hmmmm... Felt insecure after crossing the JB border. Why? Is it because of the stories peoples said about JB that had affected me? Or is it the surroundings? Or is it because I was alone?

Today was JunJia's birthday party. Few of us from Zenith went together. And after the birthday party, we went for movie. 'Mr Woodcock' I'll give it two out of five stars. Not the kind of show I would pay to watch in the cinema actaully.