Thursday, June 14, 2007

1st Viscosupplementation

Wooow… It was a long day today.

Went CGH for appointment in the morning. Saw Dr Jason and decided to give it a try on the knee lubrication injection, since my condition is not getting any better. Actually it is called ‘Viscosupplementation’. Had my first injection today. Cost two hundred dollars for a jab. Will need two more to complete the treatment. And so I’ve run around CGH in the morning and spend like two hundred fifty dollars. Aahhhrrr…. Here goes my hard earn blood and sweat money. And two more weeks spending the same amount again.

Dr Jason didn’t let me watch he do the injection. He wants me to lie and not sited up, because that will contract my quadriceps and he wouldn’t be able to do the procedure. Anyway, I can still see the ultrasound monitor. Saw the needle injected into the area between bones. I think the bones should be my knee cap and thigh bone. He sucked out the existing fluid in my knee and then inject in the artificial lubricant. Cool huh! And the lubricant is called ‘SYNVISC’. And before that my knee was iced. I think it’s to reduce irritation during the procedure and also help the extracting of existing knee fluid. The fluid that was sucked out is actually yellow colour and the artificial one is clear. It was a very simple procedure, and I wasn’t required to stay off from any exercise for this few days. But Dr Jason gave me some painkillers just in case my knee doesn’t accept the injection well.

And after that went for lunch and had my favourite coffee. Yeah!
When I was having lunch, NS asked me to umpire for tonight’s game. And so, I went home to get my umpire stuff before head off to office.
It was drizzling when I knock off. Had to dry the area I’ll be running to umpire before the game. Haha… Players dry the court, umpire dry outside of the court.
Judith umpired with me today. Last time I umpired with her was for U21s selection.

Zenith playing on court one for the eight forty game. The girls did quite alright. Though we won by more than thirty goals, the game can be much neater.

Thursday tomorrow. Yay! Got game. Don’t know if I’m able to play. Knee aches. Opps… Didn’t stretch after umpire today.